
After the calculation of flows in a looped pipeline distribution network is done, very often velocity of fluid in some of the pipeline branches are undersized while in other are oversized. Hence, it is necessary to perform optimization of the pipes’ diameter to fit in range of suggested values. Suggested velocities for water flow in waterworks systems are 0.75-1.5 m/s, while in the case of natural gas flow in gas-pipelines this velocity limit is increased up to20 m/s. Problem of velocity in a gas pipeline is more complex in comparison to water velocity. This issue is caused by compressibility of gas. In this paper is shown procedure of diameters’ optimization after the modified Hardy Cross method. Difference in comparison to classical problem in which flow distribution is unknown is that on the contrary, in optimization problem flows are now constants while the diameters are treated as variables.

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Published on 01/01/2009

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